Saturday 21 January 2012

a bump in the road

Friends, I have spent a long time away from this space. Increasingly busy family life (three children at school has greatly increased our commitments in that area), time spent working on Natural Mothers Network and a difficult-to-put-my-finger-on-it lethargy have stopped me from posting for some months.

In December, I found a lump in my breast. This week, it was diagnosed as cancer. We are in a tailspin, as you can imagine. I don't have any obvious risk factors, breastfed all the children, eat well, and have no family history. "Why me?!" is the obvious, but unanswerable, question.

I am going to try to start posting here more regularly again. It's such an important record for our family, and I originally started this blog as a focus for all the positives in our lives. Right now, positivity is more important than it's ever been. But I have also started another blog - My Bad Boob - to chronicle my journey through breast cancer.

I share the new blog with a disclaimer: it may not be a pretty space.

If you are still visiting Mama Chalk, thank you for your patience. Blessings on you, and blessings on me.


  1. Blessings on you. My prayers and thoughts for you and your family.

  2. Thanks for having the courage to write about it Carrie, I know it is hard, but the sharing, and the transformation into words of this challenge in your life, can bring its own healing and joy. When I write about losing Lily it is both cathartic and comforting and helps me to clarify feelings I barely knew were there, and the support is great too. Much love and blessings
